Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sleepless ^_^


#throwback? hehe.. want more.. looking forward approaching bonding of SBO officers and ICT staff and Faculty..

#advanced? haha..

Haggard Face :).. BE INSPIRED OF THIS (" ")

Don't study HARD, Study WELL; not just with your MIND but with your HEART. never do it just to PASS but to LEARN; do not MEMORIZE, but UNDERSTAND it fully, never think you are STUPID, always tell yourself that you can do it, do not call it as DIFFICULT but a CHALLENGE, whenever you encounter an easy part, grab the opportunity to call yourself SMART, fight LAZINESS within you, remember, you can have lots of SLEEP when you DIE..

#the best encouragement thought ever.. AJA BSIT-3..


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


One day, we build dreams with people we love.. next day, we woke up to reality that nothings permanent in this world.. love comes and goes. people stay and leave. life is a constant cycle of change of finding and losing, of making and breaking, of holding and letting go, of staying and moving on, of dying and leaving again..

but that's life.. LOVE it.. LIVE it as it is..  most importantly, enjoy everything while it lasts..

#inspired by this message :)

Have a pleasant morning every one.. have a nice day ahead..

Thursday, June 26, 2014

happiness is a very subjective factors in ones life.. Being happy doesn't defend in achieving what you want, but rather making of what is given.. life is not always fair. the only thing that make you completely happy is contentment. be contented of what you have, but be sure to aim high and never stop believing you can do better every time..

but it all else fails, don't forget that an ordinary you has a an extra ordinary GOD to back you up..